All SDP schools and offices will be closed on Friday, February 14 in observance of
the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ City-Wide Celebration,
and Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

Main Menu:

Welcome To Our School

Our Vision

The vision of Lingelbach Elementary School is to ensure every student who enters will leave on grade-level or above in all content areas. Learning will be enhanced through the use of environmental studies, the arts, and technology in a clean and safe environment. In achieving this, students will be able to enter the high school of their choice for further preparation for college and/or career.

Mission Statement

Through professional development, educators will utilize best practices in the academic, cognitive, and social development of students. Parents will ensure that students are present and on time each day to receive high-quality instruction. Students, with the support of the school community, will take ownership of their learning; and develop peer mediation and conflict resolution skills. School support staff is included in decision-making and problem-solving strategies for the school community.

A Message from our Principal

Dear Lingelbach Elementary School Families,

Welcome to Anna Lingelbach Elementary. We are a kindergarten through eighth grade public school in Philadelphia.  Our school is located in the Northwest area of the city (Mount Airy/Germantown).  We currently service over 400 students and families from diverse backgrounds.

At Lingelbach, we believe in:

  • Diversity, varying cognitive development and individualism.
  • Student centered classrooms where students are actively engaged in the learning process.
  • School , parent and, community partnerships.
  • Accountability for all stakeholders, including educators, staff, students, parents and community.

We are looking forward to an exciting year for our school community.  We encourage you to become involved in our School Advisory Council (SAC), our Home and School Association, and volunteer as we work to prepare students to be life-long learners and contributors to our growth of our society.

Warm Regards,

Lisa Waddell


Lingelbach Parents Right to Know


“Attention families: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that a school with certain exceptions obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, a school may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the school to the contrary in accordance with school district procedures.

Parents who wish to opt their students out of directory information releases must complete an Opt-Out Form for each of their students, and must return each form to the school at which each student is enrolled by December 13, 2024.

Find more information, including the forms you need HERE
